Services > Huume Allocate
Huume Allocate
The Huume Allocate module is a modern and intuitive nomination and choice-based lettings allocation solution that is smart, flexible and effectively supports multiple allocations policies.
Flexibility to incorporate your allocation policy
Multiple allocations policies supported
Property register to record all property information
Ability to market properties
Online bidding (expression of interest)
Choice-Based Lettings & other property allocations
Real-time eligibility rules prevents bids on unsuitable properties
Powerful shortlisting to prioritise bids
Multiple viewing and offer processes
Why choose Huume Allocate solution
Enable applicants to take ownership of their own housing needs using self-service allocation tools.
Allocate properties as per your own internal policies to ensure tenants are housed fairly and consistently.
Improve efficiencies through automation and intuitive technology that reduce the need of officer administration.
Self customisation can help tweak and improve processes and team efficiency with no additional consultancy costs.
Efficient case dashboard and customer portal
Status of offers and viewings easily visible
More information provides applicants increased chance of successful bid
Flexible advertising periods set by officer
Applicants can manage their own bids and view bidding history
Valuable & effective property register
Add information, notes and images to properties easily
Track time that properties have been empty
Quick and easy marketing functionality to advertise empty properties
Support for Direct Match and other approaches
Intuitive shortlisting, viewings and offers
Powerful shortlisting prioritising applicants to help make decisions
Skip applicants that are unsuitable
Support for multiple viewings with reminders to avoid wasted time
Help staff by providing checklists to streamline processes
Quick automatic closure process
Supports multiple allocation policies
Linked to bedroom need
Linked to banding or points calculations
Supports multiple allocations policies
Designed to support single authorities or sub regionals