Huume has been developing an abundance of new features and functionality that are key to helping LAs and HAs boost efficiencies, reduce costs and improve productivity.
Everything that has been designed and created has been with the Housing Officer and their customer in mind, to offer the most powerful and most efficient Housing Solution yet!
The central register allows properties of all types to be stored together and to be assigned different uses, such as, General Needs or Temporary Accommodation. The system can be easily configured to capture different characteristics for each property.
A wide range of files including pictures, videos and documents can be uploaded into the system and assigned to specific records. For properties the system allows images and documents to be flagged for use on the public portal or restricted to just the back office. We have added image editing tools too, to allow pictures to be rotated directly within the system.
Our flexible approach to voids allows them to be advertised via CBL or have a shortlist generated automatically in the back office. Both Choice Based Lettings and traditional allocations are included as standard with Huume. For CBL the system allows fully flexible advertising periods so that properties can be added on any date, for any time period.
Standard eligibility criteria has been added to the system to enable properties to be restricted by age, priority, applicant type, bedroom size and adaptations, and system configuration options have been extended to cover shortlisting.
Properties can be advertised using standard shortlisting templates or adjusted to take into account specific criteria for a property. This enables the implementation of allocation scheme changes without the need for costly system changes.
The public portal is completely mobile responsive and has adopted a clean and simple inspired design. Applicants are able to see their queue position when bidding and the number of bids received so far. They are also able to specify a preferred property, to assist landlords when shortlisting.
Shortlists have been created that present key information within a single page. Columns displayed on the shortlist change automatically depending on the criteria used, and officers have instant access to alerts, other shortlist information and key application data.
Officers can make offers, suggest offers or skip applicants without leaving the page, and all with the ability to undo individual steps, eliminating the need to go back to the start if something changes.
T: 0118 336 1005
About the Author
Huume Ltd is the innovative IT Housing solutions provider, personalising Housing Needs for UK Housing Organisations. Read more posts from Huume.