Huume Newsroom

Jul 6, 20212 min

Huume working with Dorset Council to transform Housing Services

Dorset Council, a Unitary Local Authority, formed in 2019 from five District and Borough Councils, has partnered with Huume, an innovative IT housing needs solution provider, to implement homelessness, housing register, lettings management and performance services.

Placing the customer at the centre of their approach, Dorset Council sought out a comprehensive housing solution that would offer one shared specification, creating a seamless customer journey, with user-friendly, self-service functionality and a mobile responsive interface.

Andrew Billany, Corporate Director for Housing and Community Safety for Dorset Council, commented “The Huume solution offers us great flexibility to configure the system and maintain on-going design ourselves. This allows us to adapt and amend the system at our own pace and for it to evolve alongside our processes.”

Huume is uniquely built around ‘people’ and cases that relate to each individual, ensuring that the customer journey between the different housing functions is seamless. With a similar look and feel to products, users will benefit from the sites’ familiarity.

The cloud-based solution is accessible, offering an online customer portal with options for customers to be contacted securely as well as providing them the ability to upload supporting documentation. With built-in resilience as a SaaS solution, it also delivers better uptime and business continuity at no extra cost.

Andrew Billany stated “Huume also offers open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces’), which presents greater opportunities for the Housing system to link into wider Council systems in the future.”

About Huume­
Huume is the innovative Housing Needs SaaS solution provider, that helps UK Housing Organisations automate and manage Social Housing information more effectively.

Dorset Council
Dorset Council replaces the areas formerly served by the district and borough councils (East Dorset, North Dorset, Purbeck, West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland) and Dorset County Council.